Call for Posters

PhD students are invited to submit a poster to the 10th Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS'19) held at Caparica (Lisbon), Portugal, May 8-10, 2019.

Poster presentations describing working in progress, related to the conference research areas, are welcome. This event will give PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss the main ideas of their thesis plans.

Accepted posters will be included in a deliverable to be distributed to DoCEIS’19 participants. The poster session includes a short presentation by the Author, followed by discussion with attendants supported on the poster with A0 maximum dimension (841 mm x 1189 mm).

Poster Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit a short abstract (2 pages maximum) to check if the proposed topic fits the conference scope. All posters should include the following sections: Problem Area Motivation, Research Question, Hypothesis and Planned Approach. Highlight how your work contributes to the main theme of the conference.

Poster submissions must be made using the EasyChair submission system.

Log in with the username and password you created during your initial submission. You then will be presented with a list of your submitted posters/papers. You may then select to either edit your existing information (address, email address, etc), if needed, and/or resubmit your poster. Submission of posters and/or creation of accounts is done through EasyChair.

Conference Areas

The areas under the scope of the DoCEIS'19 are the following, but are not limited to:

Templates and Formating

Authors should follow the provided templates in order to meet format requirements.

MS Powerpoint template for posters

Submission System

Poster are submitted using the EasyChair submission system.

Log in with the username and password you created during your initial submission. You then will be presented with a list of your submitted posters. You may then select to either edit your existing information (address, email address, etc), if needed, and/or resubmit your poster.


In order to submit both abstract and poster, please do it through one of the following option:

  1. Include the abstract (only) on the submission system "Abstract Box", and upload your poster as a *.pdf file;
  2. Submit both documents, as a single *.pdf file;
  3. Submit your abstract to, and upload your poster as a *.pdf file into the submission system;

Submission of posters and/or creation of accounts is done through EasyChair.