Technological Innovation for Industrial
and Service Systems

The Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems is celebrating its 10th edition (DoCEIS 2019) with a focus on Technological Innovation for Industrial and Service Systems.
The industry and service sectors are going through profound transformation towards digitalization and integration of new levels of “smartness”. The idea of a 4th industrial revolution, represented by terms such as Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing and Economy 4.0 are an expression of such transformation.
This movement is characterized by an increasing digitalization and interconnection of systems, products, value chains, and business models. The interconnection between the physical and the cyber worlds – Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things – and the integration of the so-called “exponential technologies”, are central features of this innovation trend.

DoCEIS19 Sponsors

Organisational Sponsors

Technical Sponsors

Others Sponsors



Please find the Springer Proceedings in the following link:

Important Dates

Submission of abstract


Submission of full paper

Extended Dec. 29th 2018

Notification of authors

Jan. 31th 2019

Submission of camera ready

Feb. 16th 2019

Feedback from previous Participants